
MSBTE Question Paper I Scheme 2023-24 || All Department Sorted

 In this article students can download MSBTE Question paper I Scheme for 1st sem, 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem and 6th sem. MSBTE previous year question paper are very useful to study and prepare for the msbte exam. This paper contains the question previously asked in the final exams. The Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education is autonomous board so there are chances that questions may get repeated and if you prepare from this papers then you might score high marks in the upcoming exam than others. To get good marks in the upcoming  exam download and solve 3 to 4 question papers by your own this will be the best practice for the preparation of exam.


The question paper are available for following branches:

  1. Diploma in Computer Engineering
  2. Diploma in Information Technology
  3. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  4. Diploma in Civil Engineering
  5. Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  6. Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication
  7. Diploma in Automobile Engineering  
To download the question papers you need to click on your branch name in the table given below it will take you to the new article where we have sorted all the question papers department and semester wise. On the official site you might feel difficulty to download the question papers but on diploma cha khazana it is very easy to download the  msbte diploma question paper pdf. We have collection of 2-3 question paper for each subject. Click on your branch name  in the table below.
If you want to download msbte question paper with answers pdf don't worry we got you! Click here to download the msbte previous year question paper with answer pdf. This pdf are of question papers with solved answers and they are provided by MSBTE to students so that students can check the answers and junior students can prepare for the exam by reading them. This msbte model answer papers are very helpful  to study and prepare for the exam.

About MSBTE Board

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) is an autonomous Board of Government of Maharashtra mandated to regulate matters pertaining to Diploma Level Technical education in the state. Curriculum development- it’s efficient implementation strategies through faculty development programs, student development initiatives, industry-institution interaction, Academic monitoring and various online evaluation activities have been the significant insignia of MSBTE. In the recent past, MSBTE has made its foray into skill development activities, thus broadening its horizon and area of service. However, the revision of curricular to suit the essentially of industry as expected from diploma students had become a dire need and of late a very important parameter for employ ability which has been accomplished and implemented from the academic year 2017-18.
Having been closely associated with the system and from the suggestions and feedback of the stake holders, it shall be my endeavor to revamp the various processes and adopt better technological implementation & evaluation techniques for the benefit of stake holder students.

A Comprehensive Guide for Diploma Students: How to Study and Prepare for Exams

As a diploma student, you find yourself on a journey of knowledge and skill development that will pave the way for a successful career. While your academic path may be challenging, mastering effective study techniques and exam preparation strategies can significantly enhance your chances of achieving outstanding results. This article will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to ace your exams with confidence and excel in your diploma program.

1. Organize Your Study Environment

Creating an ideal study environment is paramount to fostering productivity and concentration. Choose a quiet, well-lit, and clutter-free space that allows you to focus solely on your studies. Ensure you have all necessary study materials within arm's reach, including textbooks, notebooks, and stationery. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications on your electronic devices and let your friends and family know that you need uninterrupted study time.

2. Develop a Study Schedule

Time management is a crucial aspect of effective studying. Craft a study schedule that allocates sufficient time for each subject while accounting for breaks to avoid burnout. Prioritize challenging subjects or those with impending exams. Consistency is key, so try to stick to your schedule as much as possible to build a habit of focused and regular study.

3. Utilize Active Learning Techniques

Engage in active learning methods to enhance your understanding and retention of the study material. Techniques such as summarizing information in your own words, creating flashcards, teaching concepts to a study partner, or using mind maps can aid in reinforcing your knowledge and making connections between topics.

4. Master Note-taking Skills

Effective note-taking is essential for successful studying. During lectures or while reading, jot down key points, concepts, and relevant examples. Organize your notes in a structured manner to facilitate quick review sessions before exams. Revise and update your notes regularly to keep them relevant and comprehensive.

5. Practice Regularly with Mock Tests

Mock tests simulate exam conditions and provide valuable insights into your preparedness. Seek out previous years' question papers or practice tests to gauge your understanding of the subject matter and identify areas that require additional focus. Time yourself while taking these tests to improve your time management skills.

6. Collaborate with Study Groups

Studying in groups can be highly beneficial, as it promotes active discussion and peer learning. Engaging with peers can offer different perspectives and help clarify doubts or challenging concepts. However, ensure that study sessions remain focused and on-topic to maximize productivity.

7. Seek Guidance from Professors and Mentors

Don't hesitate to approach your professors or mentors if you encounter difficulties with the course material. They are there to support you and provide guidance. Ask questions during lectures or schedule one-on-one meetings to discuss specific topics in-depth. Your proactive approach to seeking help will demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence.

8. Take Care of Your Well-being

Remember that studying for exams should not come at the expense of your health and well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular physical activity. Taking care of your body and mind will improve your focus, memory, and overall academic performance.


Preparing for diploma exams requires a disciplined and systematic approach. By organizing your study environment, creating a study schedule, engaging in active learning, mastering note-taking, practicing with mock tests, collaborating with study groups, seeking guidance from professors, and prioritizing your well-being, you can excel in your exams and set a strong foundation for your future career. Remember, hard work and dedication will yield the desired results, so stay motivated and believe in your abilities. Good luck on your academic journey!