


This MCQs are provided by suraj_ahire333



Question Which of the following best describes mudstone?

A Mudstone is a coarse grained rock with graded bedding

B Shale is a aphinitic volcanic rock

C Mudstone is a fine grained sedimentary rock without planes of 


D All of the above

Answer C

Question Difference in angularity of the constituents grains between 

conglomerate and breccia arises due to

A Length of transport of the grains

B Hydrolysis of the parent rock

C Chemical attack of rainwater

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Laterites and Bauxites are

A Organic deposits

B Residual deposits

C Sedimentary deposits

D Chemical deposit

Answer B


Rock in figure P has been subjected to metamorphic changes and 

converted to Q. Which of the following type of minerals are 

developed in this process

A Stress Minerals

B Antistress Minerals

C Rounded

D All of the above

Answer A

Question Choose the correct answer for chemical decomposition of 


A Kaolin

B Chlorite

C Garnet

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Coral limestone is formed by

A Colonies of Corals

B Broken rock fragments

C Both A and C

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Chert is cryptocryastalline variety of ,

A Silica

B Orthoclase

C Limestone

D Carbonates

Answer A

Question Calcite, Dolomite, Magnesite are varieties of

A Silica

B Clay

C Carbonates

D None of the above

Answer C

Question Kaolin, Montmorillonite, Illite are varieties of _____

A Silica

B Clay

C Felspar

D None of the above

Answer B

Question Arrange the minerals in decreasing order of Hardness on Mohs'


A Diamond, Quartz, Talc, Gypsum

B Diamond, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum

C Quartz, Orthoclase, Calcite, Talc

D None of the above

Answer C

Question Arrange the minerals in increasing order of Hardness on Mohs'


A Talc, Gypsum, Quartz, Diamond

B Diamond, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum

C Quartz, Orthoclase, Calcite, Talc

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Choose Mineral and its correct luster

A Quartz: Vitreous

B Diamond: Admantine

C Mica : Pearly

D All of the above

Answer D

Question Choose Mineral and its correct luster

A Quartz: Admantine

B Diamond: Pearly

C Mica : Vitreous

D None of the above

Answer D

Question Choose the correct set of fractures shown by minerals

A Conchoidal, Even, Uneven, Hackly

B Conchoidal, Admantine, Vitreous, Smooth

C Vitreous, Conchoidal, Even, Uneven

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Which of the following statement best describes the following 

Curve shown in figure

A Gravels size particles are transported when velocity becomes too 


B Sand size particles require higher velocity for deposition as 

compared to gravel size particles

C Clay particles require higher velocity of erosion as compared to 

sand size particles

D None of the above

Answer C

Question Which of the clay is highly expansive

A Kaolin

B Montemorillonite

C Quartz

D None of the above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit I C1Id

Question Radius of earth is estimated to be

A 6370 km

B 8370 km

C 3700km

D 10370 km

Answer A

Question Mohorovicic discontinuity separates

A Crust from mantle

B Mantle from core

C Sial from sima

D None of these

Answer A

Question Sial and Sima combinely called as

A Core

B Mantle

C Crust

D None of these

Answer C

Question Gutenberg discontinuity separates

A Sial from Sima

B Mantle from Core

C Crust from Mantle

D None of these

Answer B

Question The layer that separates crust from core is the

A Magma layer

B Lithosphere

C Mantle

D Continent

Answer C

Question Age of the earth is currently thought to be

A About 6000 years old

B About 6 billion years old

C About 4,500,000 years old

D About 4,500,000,000 years old

Answer D

Question When vesicles are filled up by secondary minerals in the basalt 

is called as

A Scoria

B Amygdaloidal basalt

C Pumice

D None of the above

Answer B

Question Example of igneous rock which float on water

A Limestone

B Pumice

C Gabbro

D Basalt

Answer B

Question The mineral give blackens the fingers

A Graphite

B Corundum

C Fluorite

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Example of organic deposit is

A Shelly limestone

B Shale

C Mudstone

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Kota stone is

A Conglomerate

B Limestone

C Granite

D None of the above

Answer B

Question Which is one of the agents of Metamorphism?

A Temperature

B Rain

C Climate

D Atmosphere

Answer A

Question Coal is

A Economic mineral

B Igneous rock

C Metamorphic rock

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Find the odd man out

A Shist

B Phyllite

C Basalt

D Granulite

Answer C

Question Find the odd man out

A Quartz

B Galena

C Calcite

D Orthoclase

Answer B

Question Graphic texture is formed due to intergrowth of

A Quartz and Felspar

B Quartz and Mica

C Mica and Alumino silicate

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Granites Shows ___________ colour index

A Melanocratic

B Mesocratic

C Leucocratic

D None of these

Answer C

Question Organic sedimentary rock is ________________

A Coral Reef

B Limestone

C Mudstone

D Sandstone

Answer A

Question Shelly Limestone is example of _________________

A Chemical Deposit

B Organic Deposit

C Residual Deposits

D All of the aboves

Answer B

Question Leaf prints occurs in ________________

A Basalt

B Gneiss

C Shale

D Sandstone

Answer C

Question Find the oddman out

A Soil

B Laterite

C Bauxite

D None of the above

Answer D

Question Physical weathering of Granite results into

A Formation of powedered mass

B Formation of clay minerals

C Formation of sand grains

D None of the above

Answer C

Question Black cotton soil is a result of __________________

A Chemical Weathering of Marble

B Chemical weathering of Basalt

C Physical Weathering of Basalt

D Biochemical weathering of sanstone

Answer B

Question Chemical weathering is also known as

A Frost wedging

B Disintegration

C Decomposition

D Erosion

Answer C

Question Physical Weathering is also known as __________________

A Decomposition

B Disintegration

C Discontinuity

D Deformation

Answer B

Question Directed pressure leads to change in_____________ of minerals 

of pre existing rocks

A Weight

B Shape

C Composition

D None of these

Answer B

Question Sandstone may consists of ______________ coloured cementing 


A Red

B White

C Green

D Both A & B

Answer D

Question Siliceous sandstone with vitreous lustre is also called as 


A Marble

B Quartzite

C Arkose

D All of the above

Answer B

Question Zeolites mainly occurs in basalt as

A Primary Minerals

B Secondary Minerals

C Tertiary Minerals

D Essential minerals

Answer B

Question Mottled/Spotted sandstone develops due to

A Leaching of Sodium

B Leaching of Potasium

C Leaching of Iron

D Leaching of Magnesium

Answer C

Question Calcite occurs in ________________ form

A Massive

B Crystalline

C Cryptocrystalline

D All of the above

Answer D

Question The pecularity of Non Clastic texture is ________________

A Absence of cementing material

B Presence of cementing material

C It is formed by chemical processes.

D Both A and C

Answer D

Question Natrolites, Stilbite, Apophylite are the varieties of

A Quartz

B Zeolites

C Felspars

D Mica

Answer B

Question Find the odd man out

A Natrolites

B Stilbite

C Apophylite

D Chalcopyrite

Answer D

This MCQs are provided by suraj_ahire333
