
ENGIEERING GEOLOGY UNIT 2| diplomachakhazana



Question A limited area of an exposure in which older rocks are 

surrounded by younger rocks is known as an

A Overlap

B Offlap

C Outlier

D Inlier

Answer D

Question Syncline is an example of

A Outlier

B Inlier

C Overstep

D Overlap

Answer A

Question The exposures of rocks may be seen forming sides of valleys or 

caps of hills are called as

A Outcrop

B Outlier

C Inlier

D All of the above

Answer A

Question Most of sedimentary rocks are deposited as distinct layers piled 

up one above another, from bottom to top are called

A Bedding

B Stratification

C Outcrop

D Both A and B

Answer D

Question Structure developed in extremely fine grained sedimentary rocks 

made up of clay and silt so that different layers are thin are called

A Stratification

B Outcrop

C Lamination

D Plans

Answer C

Question The angle of inclination of a rock bed with horizontal plane is 

called as

A Strike

B Dip

C Angle of dip

D True dip

Answer B

Question The strike direction and angle of dip are determined with an 

instruments called as

A Clinometer

B Compass

C Rotameter

D None of above

Answer A

Question The dip of the bed measured in the direction of right angle to 

the strike of the bedding plane is called as

A Apparent dip

B True dip

C Strike

D None of the above

Answer C

Question A dip measured in any direction other than the direction of True 

Dip is called as

A Vertical dip

B Dip

C Movement of dip

D Apparent dip

Answer D

Question The ‘True Dip’ of a bed is considered to be a 

A Vector

B Scalar

C Either vector or scalar

D Neither vector nor scalar

Answer A

Question A break in sedimentation is called as________

A Fold

B Fault

C Unconformity

D None of above

Answer C

Question When the two sets of beds separated by an unconformity are 

NOT parallel to each other, it is described as a/an

A Angular unconformity

B Disconformity

C Non-conformity

D None of the above

Answer A


The dip and strike are two basic quantities used to express the 

_________ of any geological feature

A Latitude

B Attitude

C Form

D Longitude

Answer B

Question ____________of a bed is direction of intersection of the bedding 

plane with a horizontal plane

A Dip

B Strike

C True dip

D Apparent dip

Answer B

Question Which of the following statements is TRUE for unconformity?

A It denotes break in sedimentation

B It indicate strike and dip of the bed

C It indicates relative displacement of the beds

D It is an axis of fold

Answer A

Question Intrusion of an igneous body is

A Dyke

B Sill

C Batholith

D All of the above

Answer D

Question Which of the following is not an unconformity

A Dip

B Nonconformity

C Strike

D A and C

Answer D

Question Two series of beds separated by an unconformity indicates

A Difference in Geological Time Period

B Older formation

C Younger formation

D All of the above

Answer A

Question In a disconformity the bed lying below & above the surface of 

erosion are

A Vertical

B Folded

C Parallel

D Faulted

Answer C

Question In which unconformity igneous / metamorphic and sedimentary 

rocks are separated from each other

A Angular unconformity

B Disconformity

C Nonconformity

D None of above

Answer C

Question When an unconformity is traceable over a small area

A Angular unconformity

B Disconformity

C Nonconformity

D Local unconformity

Answer D

Question When an unconformity is traceable over a large area, it is called as

A Disconformity

B Noncoformity

C Local unconformity

D Regional unconformity

Answer D

Question The fracture surface along which relative movement of beds 

occur is called

A Fold

B Joints

C Fault

D Unconformity

Answer C

Question Faults are generated by

1. Tension 2. Shear 3. Compression 4. Torsion

A 1 only

B 1 and 3 only

C 1, 2 and 3 only

D All of the above

Answer D

Question In the case of normal faults, the hanging wall is

A Down throw

B Up throw

C Either down throw or up throw

D None of the above

Answer A

Question In a fault, the vertical component of the displacement is

A Dip

B Strike

C Throw

D None of above

Answer C

Question The block moving in the upward direction during faulting is 

known as 

A Net slip

B Downthrow side

C Upthrow side

D Dip of fault

Answer C

Question The total displacement measured along the fault plane is 


A Fault plane

B Dip of the fault

C Strike of the fault

D Net slip

Answer D

Question In an inclined fault, block lying above the fault plane is 

A Hanging wall

B Foot wall

C Either foot wall or hanging wall

D None of above

Answer A

Question In an inclined fault, block lying below the fault plane is 

A Hanging wall

B Foot wall

C Either foot wall or hanging wall

D None of above

Answer B

Question A fault having neither hanging wall nor foot wall is called as

A Inclined fault

B Thrust

C Vertical fault

D None of above

Answer C


In which fault, the hanging wall appears to have moved upward 

relative to the foot wall

A Reverse fault

B Normal fault

C Dip fault

D Strike fault

Answer A

Question A fault occurring along the dip direction of beds is

A Normal fault

B Dip fault

C Strike fault

D None of above

Answer B

Question A fault which runs parallel to the strike of strata is called as

A Dip fault

B Normal fault

C Reverse fault

D Strike fault

Answer D

Question A fault which is not parallel to strike & dip direction of strata is 

called as

A Strike fault

B Dip fault

C Oblique fault

D Normal fault

Answer C

Question The term Step Fault is applied to those faults where

A Downthrow of all faults are in the same direction

B Downthrow of all faults are not in same direction

C Downthrow of all fault are in opposite direction

D None of the above

Answer A

Question When central block moves upward , the fault is known as 

A Graben

B Horst

C Rift

D None of the above

Answer B

Question Joints are occurring in

A Sedimentary rocks only

B Igneous rocks only

C Metamorphic rocks only

D All of the above

Answer D

Question Joints which are developed perpendicular to the fold axes are 


A Extension joints

B Released joints

C Sheet joints

D Shear joints

Answer A

Question In which of the following rock the columnar joints are commonly 


A Volcanic igneous rock

B Metamorphic rock

C Secondary rocks

D All above

Answer A

Question In which of the following rock the columnar joints are commonly 


A Granite

B Basalt

C Marble

D All above

Answer B

Question Which process can be attributed to the formation of both outliers 

and inliers

A Folding 

B Faulting

C Erosion 

D All the above

Answer D

Question A strike fault separating two lithosphere plates is generally 

known as

A Slip fault 

B Transform fault

C Wrench fault 

D Enechelon fault

Answer B

Question Repetition of beds on geological map may be due to

A Folding

B Weathering

C Unconformity 

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Repetition of beds on geological map may be due to

A Folding

B Faulting

C Unconformity 

D Both A and B

Answer D

Question A syncline is a fold resembling to the letter





Answer C

Question A syncline is a fold resembling to the letter





Answer B

Question Two anticlines and one syncline resembles to the letter





Answer A

Question Which of the following is not a type of fold

A Thrust

B Dome 

C Symmetrical

D Asymmetrical

Answer A

Question A place where rocks are exposed and observed in-situ is called as

A Faults 

B Folds

C Outcrop

D Fractures

Answer C

Question Folding occurs where rock behaves as a 

A Frozen solid 

B Ductile solid

C Fluid 

D All of above 

Answer B


Question Faulting occurs where rock behaves as a 

A Frozen solid 

B Ductile solid

C Brittle solid 

D All of above 

Answer C

Question Two successive beds are separated from each other by a planar 

surface which is called

A Bedding Plane

B Conformable plane

C Horizontal plane

D Dip

Answer A

Question Strike & True Dip are

A Always at right angle

B Sometimes at right angle

C In some direction

D All of the above

Answer A

Question Strike & Dip of geological features defines 

A Altitude

B Attitude

C Thickness

D Both B and C

Answer B

Question The feature in which older beds are seen to be surrounded by 

younger beds is knows as

A Outlier

B Inlier

C Recumbent fold

D Asymmetrical fold

Answer B

Question When Limbs dip towards each other, the fold is known as

A Syncline

B Anticline

C Inlier

D Outlier

Answer A

Question When central block moves downward , the fault is known as 

A Graben

B Horst

C Rift

D None of the above

Answer A

Question When Limbs dip away from each other, the fold is known as

A Syncline

B Anticline

C Inlier

D Outlier

Answer B

Question Amount of down throw is always measured along

A Fault Plane

B Components of fault plane

C Both A & B

D None of above

Answer A

Question The line joining all the points of maximum curvature of a fold is 

called as

A Dip

B Heave

C Axis

D Throw

Answer C

Question An imaginary plane/ surface joining successive points of 

maximum curvature of fold in vertical section is called as

A Dip

B Heave

C Axial plane/Surface

D Throw

Answer C

Question In an outlier the youngest strata is 

A At the centre of the basin

B On the margin of basin

C Half way between centre and margin of basin

D Surrounded by older strata

Answer D

Question In an inlier the oldest strata is found

A Surrounded by younger strata

B On the margin of basin 

C Half way between centre and margin of basin

D At the centre of the basin

Answer A

Question Strike –slip faults can also be

A Syncline

B Anticlines

C Dip slip faults

D None of the above

Answer D

Question In a syncline the oldest rock occurs at 

A The Periphery

B The core

C Both A and B

D None of the above

Answer A

Question When the hanging wall is displaced upward relative to the 

footwall, fault is known as.

A Strike-slip fault.

B Recumbent

C ReverseFault

D Normal fault.

Answer C

Question Faults where displacement is along vertical as well as horizontal 

direction, called

A Oblique

B Strike - slip fault

C Dip - slip faults.

D None of the above

Answer A

Question Graben is a depression formed due to 

A One normal fault 

B Two Normal Faults

C Three normal faults 

D All of above

Answer B

Question Horst is an upliftment formed due to 

A One normal fault 

B Two Normal Faults

C Three normal faults

D All of above

Answer B

Question A rock seen as in situ is referred as 

A Country rock

B Outcrop

C Fracture

D Both A and B

Answer D

Question The angle that a bed makes with horizontal in a direction 

perpendicular to strike line and measured in vertical plane is 

called as

A Apparent dip

B Strike

C True Dip

D None

Answer C

Question State true or false

Axial regions of the folds are unsuitable for civil engineering 




C ---

D ---

Answer A

Question State true or false

The faults are unsuitable for civil engineering constructions



C ---

D ---

Answer A

Question Folding of rocks is most likely to happen when rocks undergo

A Tension

B Shearing

C Compression

D Cooling

Answer C

Question A major anticline with several smaller anticlines and synclines is 

known as 

A Drag Fold

B Anticlinorium

C Synclinorium

D Both A and B

Answer D

Question A major syncline with several smaller anticlines and synclines is 

known as 

A Anticlinorium 

B Drag Fold

C Synclinorium

D Both B and C

Answer D

Question Drag folds are the result of

A One incompetent and one competent bed lie over each other

B Incompetent bed sandwiched between two competent beds

C Two competent beds act as the marginal beds of incompetent bed

D Both B and C

Answer D

Question Dragging of a bed is a result of

A Active tectonic forces

B Gap in the sedimentation

C Contraction of a mass

D None of the above

Answer A

Question The bending of rock without breaking is called

A Collision

B Folding

C Faulting

D Fracturing

Answer B

Question A fold closes in upward direction is known as ___________

A Anticline

B Strike - Dip

C Fracture

D Syncline

Answer A

Question A fold with a simple bend is referred as ___________

A Anticline

B Monocline

C Fracture

D Syncline

Answer A

Question A collision between a continental plate and an oceanic plate is 

most likely to produce

A Volcanic Islands

B Mountain Ranges

C Trench

D All of the above

Answer D

Question A displacement in a rock layer which causes the adjacent rocks to 

slide past each other is called a __________

A Fracture

B Fold

C Unconformity

D Fault

Answer D

Question Which of the following is not a tectonic force responsible for 

folding or faulting rocks?

A Compressive Forces

B Tensional Forces

C Shear Forces

D All of the above

Answer D

Question The two sides of a fold are called its ________ .

A Axial Plane

B Limbs

C Plunge angle

D None of the above

Answer B

Question An overturned fold is characterized by ___________

A Two limbs at right angles to one another

B Two limbs dipping in the same direction – one with more tilt than 

the other limb

C Two limbs dipping in opposite directions

D Two limbs not parallel to each other

Answer B

Question The unequal compression results into ___________

A Symmetrical fold

B Asymmetrical fold

C Isoclinal fold

D Recumbent fold

Answer B

Question The equal compression results into ___________

A Symmetrical fold

B Asymmetrical fold

C Isoclinal fold

D Recumbent fold

Answer A

Question The fold in which axis lies horizontal is ___________

A Symmetrical fold

B Asymmetrical fold

C Isoclinal fold

D Recumbent fold

Answer D

Question The structural feature in which both fold and faults are present 

is ___________

A Symmetrical fold

B Asymmetrical fold

C Overthrust

D Recumbent fold

Answer C

Question In a fold the beds appear as 'V' shape beds is ___________

A Chevron fold

B Asymmetrical fold

C Isoclinal fold

D Recumbent fold

Answer A

Question Point of maximum curvature in a fold is

A Limb

B Dip

C Hinge

D All of the above

Answer C

Question Folds are classified on the basis of

A Distance of limbs from the axis

B Interlimb angle

C Attitude of axial plane

D All of the above

Answer D

Question Isoclinal folds are classified on the basis of 

A Interlimb angle

B Both the limbs are dipping with equal angle

C Both the limbs are dipping in the same direction

D Both B and C

Answer D

Question In a plungiing fold, Axis is

A Inclined

B Vertical

C Both A and B

D Horizontal

Answer C

Question In a non plungiing fold, Axis is

A Inclined

B Vertical

C Both A and B

D Horizontal

Answer D

Question The highest point on anticline is

A Trough

B Crest

C Contour

D None of the above

Answer B


Question The lowest point on syncline is

A Trough

B Crest

C Contour

D None of the above

Answer A


Question Deformation, bending and flextures are developed during

A Formation of a rock

B Cooling of a rock

C Folding

D Weathering

Answer C