Hello friends welcome to our blog diploma cha khazana
We are trying to provide study material to diploma and engineering students
We are also trying to build a community for diploma and engineering students where students can share the study material they have.
If you want to join our community you can join our whatsapp groups and follow our instagram page
Even a small share can help other.
It all started due to covid as we all know we have lockdown in many parts of Maharashtra and exams are online.
In march it was the first time students were going to give fully online examination. Students did not have multiple choice questions so we started collecting pdf for multiple choice questions from students and gathered them at our blog.
Later we thought covid will end and exam will be conducted online but the lockdown is still going on and the exams are conducted online so continued to collect mcq and provide it to students
We have a Instagram page diplomachakhazana where we also share memes and funny videos.
By joining our community you will get diploma as well as engineering updates.
We provide mcq for all branches of engineering and diploma
Soon we will provide syllabus copy for MSBTE students
We will provide study material for diploma like model answer paper, question paper and many more
Please feel free to comment. Being diploma students We are always ready to help diploma Students