

 Id 101

Question Run time error is known as ______

A Logical error

B Syntactic error

C Exception

D All of the above mentioned

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 102

Question How the exception is throw

A throw exception

B throw(exception)

C throw

D All of the above

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 103

Question Can we throw exception more than one time

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1Unit IV

Id 104

Question Which statement we have to use rethrowing exception

A throw(exception)

B Throw

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentioned

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 105

Question Exception can be handle if_______

A Throwing argument is match with catch block

B Throwing argument is not match with catch block

C Exception is not thrown

D None of the abve

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 106

Question With this concept same algorithm can be used for different data types

A Procedure oriented paradigm

B Generic programming

C Both a and b

D None of the above

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 106

Question Template is a way creating generalize functions and classes which are applicable for all 

data types 

A False

B True



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 107

Question Class template is applicable for ___.

A For function onlyB For that class only

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentioned

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 108

Question Function template is applicable for_________.

A For function only

B For that class only

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentioned

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 109

Question How many kinds of parameters are there in c++

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 110

Question Which type of program is recommended to include in try block

A Static memory allocation

B Dynamic memory allocation

C Const reference

D Pointer

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 111

Question How to handle error in destructor

A Throwing

B Terminate

C Both a and b

D None of the mentioned

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 112

Question In catch statement we have multiple parameters

A Yes

B No



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 113

Question ------kind of exceptions are in c++.

A Handled

B Static

C Both a and b

D Unhandled

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 114

Question Pick up the correct statement

A To throw exception we have to use catch statement

B Error occurring code is placed in try block 

C We can not have multiple throwing mechanism in c++

D Both and b

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 115

Question Can we used constructor for exception handling

A Yes 

B No



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 116

Question Class template can be overloaded

A True

B False


Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 117

Question ______is a generic class handler

A Catch(---)

B Catch(-,-)

C Catch(…)

D Catch(void)

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 118

Question If the exception is not handled then which standard library function get invoked

A stop()

B terminate()

C Read()

D Write()

Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 119

Question Exception can be only built in type

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 120

Question What will be output of program


using namespace std;

template<class T>

T display(T x)


cout<< “using template x=”<<x<<“\n”;


int display(int x)

{cout<<“Normal display x=”<<x <<“\n”;


int main()






A Normal display x=2.3

Using template x=3

Normal display x=1.1

B using template x=2.3

Normal display x=3

using template x=1.1

C using template x=3

Normal display x=2.3

using template x=1.1

D None of the above

Answer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 121

Question In nested try blocks, there is no need to specify catch handler for inner try block. Outer 

catch handler is sufficient for the program

A True

B False



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 122

Question Can we write try block within try block

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 123

Question Can we prevent a function from throwing any exceptions

A YesB No



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 124

Question What is return type of uncaught_exception() is----

A Char*

B Double

C Int 

D Bool

Answer D

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 125

Question Can we write a throw statement inside catch statement

A Yes

B No



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 126

Question We can define our own exceptions in c++

A False

B True



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 127

Question Stack unwinding deals with 

A Polymorphism

B inheritance

C Exception handling

D Classes

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 128

Question What is STL

A Standard Term Library

B Standard Tree Library

C Standard Template Library

D None of the above mentioned

Answer C

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 129

Question Pick up the correct statement

• Catch statement be placed immediately after try block

• It can have multiple parameters

• There must be multiple catch handler for a try block

• Generic catch statement we can placed anywhere in program

A i and ii

B i and iii

C i and iv

D i , ii and iii

Answer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 130

Question Generic catch should be placed at

A End of all statement

B Before try

C Before throw

D Inside try

Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 131

Question Irrespective of exception occurrence, catch handler will be always executed

A Yes

B No



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 132

Question From where does the template class can derived

A Regular non-templated c++ class

B Templated class

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentioned

Answer C

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 133

Question What is done by compiler for templates

A Type-safe

B Code elimination

C Portability

D All of the above mentioned

Answer A

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 134

Question Catch handler itself may detect and throw an exception

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit Iv

Id 135

Question If the thrown exception will not be caught by any catch statement then it will be passed to 

next outer try/catch sequence for processing.

A False

B True



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 136

Question While specifying the exceptions, the type-list specifies the________ that may be thrown.

A How many exceptions

B Type of exception

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentionedAnswer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 137

Question When an exception is rethrown ,it will not be caught by the__________or other catch in 

that group.

A Same catch

B Nested catch

C Both a and b

D None of the above mentioned

Answer A

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 138

Question Try block can throw any exception

A True

B False



Answer B

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 139

Question Pick up the correct statement from the following

• Multiple catch statement are there in c++.

• We have generic catch statement to handle all type of exception

• Try block is used to throw and exception

A i and iii

B i

C ii

D i and ii only

Answer D

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 140

Question When an exception is not caught 

A Program is go in wait condition

B Program is aborted

C Program works fine way

D None of the above mentioned

Answer BMarks 1

Unit IV

Id 141

Question We can place two or more catch blocks together to catch and handle multiple types of 

exceptions thrown by a try blocks

A True 

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 142

Question It is also possible to make a catch statement to catch all types of exceptions using ellipses 

as its arguments

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 143

Question We can restrict a function to throw only a set of specified exceptions by adding a throw 

specification clause to the function definition.

A True 

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 144

Question We may also use non-type parameters such basic or derived data types as arguments 


A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 145

Question Pick up the correct statement from the following related with overloading of template 


• Call an ordinary function that has an exact match

• Call a template function that could be created with an exact macth

• Try normal overloading resolution to ordinary functions and call the one 

that matches

A 1 and 2 only

B 2 and 3 only

C All of the above

D None of the above mentioned

Answer C

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 146

Question What will be output of the a following program


using namespace std;

template <class T>

void display(T x)


cout<<“Template display:”<<x<< “\n”;


void display(int x)


cout<<“Explicit display:”<<x <<“\n”;


int main()





A Template display:100

Template display:12.34

Template display: c

B Explicit display:100

Template display:12.34

Template display: c

C Explicit display:100

Template display:12.34

Explicit display: c

D Template display:100

Template display:12.34Template display: c

Answer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 147

Question What will be output of program

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout <<"Start\n";

try {

cout <<"Inside try block\n";

throw 100;

cout << "This will not execute";


catch (int i) {

cout <<"Caught an exception -- value is: ";

cout <<i <<"\n";


cout <<"End";

return 0;


A Start

Inside try block

Caught an exception -- value is: 100


B Start


C Start

Inside try block


D None of the above mentioned

Answer A

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 148

Question What will be output of following program

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void Xhandler(int test)



if(test) throw test;else throw "Value is zero";


catch(int i) {

cout << "Caught Exception #: " <<i <<'\n';


catch(const char *str) {

cout <<"Caught a string: ";

cout << str <<'\n';



int main()


cout <<"Start\n";





cout << "End";

return 0;


A Start

Caught Exception #: 1

Caught Exception #: 2

Caught Exception #: 0

Caught Exception #: 3


B Start

Caught Exception #: 1

Caught Exception #: 2

Caught a string: 0

Caught Exception #: 3


C Start

Caught Exception #: 1

Caught Exception #: 2

Caught a string: Value is zero

Caught Exception #: 3


D None of the mentioned

Answer C

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 149

Question What will be output of program

#include <iostream>using namespace std;

void Xhandler(int test)



if(test==0) throw test; // throw int

if(test==1) throw 'a'; // throw char

if(test==2) throw 123.23; // throw double


catch(int i) { // catch an int exception

cout <<"Caught an integer\n";


catch(...) { // catch all other exceptions

cout <<"Caught One!\n";



int main()


cout <<"Start\n";




cout <<"End";

return 0;


A Start

Caught One!

Caught One!

Caught One!



C Start

Caught an integer

Caught One!

Caught One!


D Start

Caught One!

Caught an integer

Caught One!


Answer C

Marks 2

Unit None of the above mentioned

Id 150

Question What will be output of following program#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class Type1, class Type2> class myclass


Type1 i;

Type2 j;


myclass(Type1 a, Type2 b) { i = a; j = b; }

void show() { cout <<i << ' ' <<j <<'\n'; }


int main()


myclass<int, double>ob1(10, 0.23);

myclass<char, char *>ob2('X', "Templates add power.");

ob1.show(); // show int, double

ob2.show(); // show char, char *

return 0;


A 10 0.23

X Templates add power.

B 0.23 10

X Template add power

C 10 10

X template add power

D Compilation error

Answer A

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 151

Question We can combine operator overloading with a class 

A True

B False



Answer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 152

Question If you overload a generic function, that overloaded function overrides (or "hides") the 

generic function relative to that specific version.

A True

B False


DAnswer A

Marks 1

Unit IV

Id 153

Question What will be output of following programming

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class T>

T GetMax (T a, T b) {

T result;

result = (a>b)? a : b;

return (result);


int main () {

int i=5, j=6, k;

long l=10, m=5, n;



cout <<k << endl;

cout <<n <<endl;

return 0;


A 6


B 5


C 10


D Compilation error

Answer A

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 154

Question What will be output of following program

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class T>

class mypair {

T a, b;


mypair (T first, T second)

{a=first; b=second;}

T getmax ();

};template <class T>

T mypair<T>::getmax ()


T retval;

retval = a>b? a : b;

return retval;


int main () {

mypair <int>myobject (100, 75);

cout << myobject.getmax();

return 0;


A 75

B 100

C 75


D Compilation error

Answer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 155

Question What will be output of following program

#include <iostream>

#include <exception>

using namespace std;

class myexception: public exception


virtual const char* what() const throw()


return "My exception happened";


} myex;

int main () {



throw myex;


catch (exception&e)


cout << e.what() <<endl;


return 0;

A Exception happened

B My exception happened.C Run Time error

D Compilation error

Answer B

Marks 2

Unit IV

Id 156

Question Pick up the correct statement from following

1.Exception handling is not supported c++

2.Template support generic programming in c++

3.overloading of function template is possible in c++

4.generic catch template can handle all types of exceptions

A 2 and 3 only

B 3 and 4 only

C 1, 2 and 3 only

D 2, 3 and 4 only

Answer D

Marks 2

Unit 4